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Wildcat Mk VI

2.500 рсд


  • Plastična maketa
  • Techmod dekali – 2 opcije


  • Wildcat VI JV699/J-F, HMS Trumpeter late 1944,
  • Wildcat VI, JV884/B1-C ex S-C, 882 Dywizjon FAA, Sub.Lt, Frearson, HMS Searcher, August 1945, Indian  Ocean

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Grumman F4F Wildcat is a classic US Navy carrier-borne fighter from World War II. Aeroplane became famous at the beginning of the war, fighting against power of Japanese aviation in the first battles of aircraft carriers, and in the battles for Guadalcanal and Solomon Islands. The introduction of new F6F Hellcat and F4U Corsair fighters did not overturn Wildcat’s from service.

The new version of the FM-2, serving on escort aircraft carriers, has proven itself in defending the fleet against Kamikaze attacks in the Pacific and in detecting German U-Boats in the final phase of the fight for the Atlantic. Next to the US Navy FM-2 Wildcat was used on Royal Navy aircraft carriers under the name Wildcat Mk VI.



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Wildcat Mk VI

2.500 рсд