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Hawk T MK.1A

4.000 рсд


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The Hawk T1A is a modified Hawk T1, which was intended to replace the Hawker Hunter in the RAF’s Tactical Weapons Units. A total of 89 aircraft were converted to carry two underwing AIM-9L Sidewinder air-to-air missiles and a centreline gun pod. During the 1980s, the RAF began using TWU Hawks in the Mixed Fighter Force (MFF) concept; the intention was to attach three of four Hawks to a Phantom or Tornado interceptor, which would guide them using its powerful radar onto enemy targets. This is also the variant used by the RAF’s Red Arrows display team; the underbody gun pod is used to carry oil for the display smoke system.


BAe Hawk T Mk.1a
GB Advanced Systems Training Aircraft (ASTRA)
  • Empire Test Pilots’ School XX341
    2000 – Boscombe Down
    Insignia Red,White,Blue,Light Gull grey
GB No 2 Tactical Weapons Unit
  • No. 63 Shadow Sqn. XX256
    1981 – RAF Chivenor
    Dark Green BS381 C, 641,Dark Seagrey BS381 C, 638
GB No 4 Flying Training School
  • No. 74 Shadow Sqn XX226
    2001 – RAF Valley





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Hawk T MK.1A

4.000 рсд