
SAM-6 KUB AA System

3.100 рсд


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Šifra proizvoda: TRU00361 Kategorije: ,

“SAM”-6 is a near distance, inside in ex- all-weather inside in a kind of mobile type low altitude guided missile. The whole weapon system be shot by a guided missile car with the set system leads the radar car constitutes. Start researching to manufacture at the end of 50’s, 60’s middle material troops. In 1973 for the fourth time middle east war, shotted down not a few Israeli airplanes with Syria and once with this kind of guided missile Egypt. Make to lead radar adoption many wave bands many frequency work, the anti- interference ability is strong; Play the path 340 millimeters of, shoot heavy 604,000 grams of, adopt the whole distance half the active looking for of making and leading way。The main weakness of the guided missile is to makes to lead the system technique not very advanced, adopt the electronics of large quantity take care of, the physical volume is big and consume the electricity many, maintain the inconvenience with operate the low etc. in automation.






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SAM-6 KUB AA System

3.100 рсд