Akrilna boja na lacquer bazi. Asortiman boja sa već spremnim, preciznim nijansama za avijaciju i kopnenu tehniku od Drugog svetskog rata do modernog doba.
Nema više mešanja nekoliko boja da se dobije precizna nijansa neke boje, sve su unapred dostupne.
Odlične su za nanošenje airburshem, a moguće je nanositi ih i četkicom. Boje imaju svoj razređivač RC701 i RC702 High Compatibility Thinner, ali ih je moguće razređivati i
sa Mr. Color i Tamiya Lacquer (žuti čep) razređivačima.
One of the colors in the two-color variant of the so-called Hill Grey scheme applied to USAF F-4C/D/E/Gs from the late 1970s until their withdrawal from service and to USAF F-16s from the early 1990s.
One of the upper surface colors in the camouflage scheme used by the Czech Air Force from the 1990s until today (Mi-2, Mi-8, Mi-17, Mi-171, Mi-24, W-3, AH-1Z, UH-1Y, L-410, C-295M, L-159).
One of the upper surface colors in the camouflage schemes applied to MiG-29s of the Polish Air Force since the end of 1997.
One of the colors in the camouflage scheme currently applied to Polish F-16C/D and M-346 Master.
Overall color of Norwegian F-16s.
Also used in some USAF aggressor schemes (F-16C).