Akrilna boja na lacquer bazi. Asortiman boja sa već spremnim, preciznim nijansama za avijaciju i kopnenu tehniku od Drugog svetskog rata do modernog doba.
Nema više mešanja nekoliko boja da se dobije precizna nijansa neke boje, sve su unapred dostupne.
Odlične su za nanošenje airburshem, a moguće je nanositi ih i četkicom. Boje imaju svoj razređivač RC701 i RC702 High Compatibility Thinner, ali ih je moguće razređivati i
sa Mr. Color i Tamiya Lacquer (žuti čep) razređivačima.
Used for painting vehicles and other equipment of the German Army in the so-called second tropical scheme (Tropen 2) intended for use in Africa and Crete from March 1942 until February 1943. According to the army regulations RAL 8020 should cover 2/3 of vehicle’s surface, with the remainder being painted in RAL 7027.
Both the photographic and documentary evidence confirms that vehicles painted in tropical colors also found use on the Eastern Front.