
Aircraft scale modelling F.A.Q.

9.500 рсд

Knjiga često postavljanih pitanja – 380 strana engleski jezik

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This book is a compilation of aircraft scale modelling techniques, step by step guides with hundreds of colour pictures for WWI, WWII, cold war and modern aircraft, showing a wide range of painting and weathering techniques. All aspects of aircraft modelling are covered in a way that is both easy to understand and follow. From tools, and how to use various materials, to camouflage painting, markings, engines, pilots, etc. This is a must have for aircraft modelers. F.A.Q. is a compendium of the main techniques used in aircraft modelling, explained from a beginner level, through to the most complex of tasks. Created by world famous modeler, Daniel Zamarbide, and aided by the most prominent aircraft modelers in Europe. A perfect tool for aircraft modelling enthusiasts.


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Aircraft scale modelling F.A.Q.

9.500 рсд